Meet Bailey


What is your favorite memory with your owner?

When they first brought me home, they had all the right things to help me settle in. They are always there to help me when I’m scared or nervous. They seem to know when I’m worried and try to help me. I really don’t like loud noises because I have super sensitive hearing and I can hear bangs from a long way away.  When I first came home, I tried to hide behind the sofa because I was scared and my best friend Gabby--who is also very good at reading my body language--took me to her bed and let me cuddle with her. She cuddles me every time I’m scared, so whenever I am scared, I run to her.

What is your favorite activity/thing to do and why?

My humans and I do lots of fun things together, but I think our evening walks are my favorite. I know my humans like to relax when they get home after a long day but once I see them grab my leash, I know I'm getting another walk!

What is your favorite human food?

My favorite human food is definitely chicken, Oh! and Veggie straws too. My bestie sneaks some for me every time she has them. (Don't tell. I don't want her to get in trouble.)