Meet Lil Bit
What’s your favorite thing about your owner?
They just love me so much. They understand dog language and listen to me when I need or want something. I really like that they have a place in NYC and that we go away on weekends where I can go outside without a leash and lie in the sunshine.
What is your owner’s favorite pastime activity?
They love to play chase with me when I grab a toy and run around the apartment. I feel sorry for them sometimes though because they’re so slow. They think they have me trapped in the bedroom and I just race right by them all the way down the hall and into the living room. Even if they’re watching TV, I just grab a toy in my mouth and stare at them until they chase me. I’m sure they don’t mind having their favorite TV shows interrupted at all. What’s so great about dumb murder shows anyway?
How would you describe your owner in 3 words? Why?
Loving. Giving, Protective. They’re simply the best parent in the world. They love to play and cuddle and they give me lots of attention and they take me almost everywhere with them.
Come back on Friday, May 17, and see if you can match the furry faces to their Facilities faces for this week.