Meet Midnight
What’s the best gift you have ever received?
Oh, man, that's an easy one! My family are the best gifts ever. They're like my pack, we’re a tight little crew. I also stole an old toy from my older brother that helps calm me down when it’s nap time.
What is your favorite activity to do with your owner?
Guarding her ankles is a top priority, gotta keep those pesky socks away. I like to hide them in the most random places. I think I’ve managed to deplete her entire sock drawer, which makes me proud.
Who is your best friend in the world and why?
Hands down, it’s Millie, an awesome 4-year-old merle mini schnauzer, like me. We met at the park, and boom! Instant connection. We run wild, chase squirrels, and just have a blast. Plus, get this, we might be long-lost relatives from the same breeder. How cool is that? Destiny brought us together for maximum mischief!
Come back on Friday, May 10, and see if you can match the furry faces to their Facilities faces for this week.