Meet Shady

What celebrity does your owner remind you of? 

Well, if I had to pick, my human’s got some serious Beyoncé vibes. Always belting out tunes around the house like she’s headlining a concert (even though her vocals could use a little work, woof). And then there’s Regina Hall—she’s got that same knack for cracking jokes, especially when things get a bit too serious.   

What is your favorite memory shared with your owner? 

Oh, gotta be the backyard hangouts during the whole COVID chaos. While my human soaked up the sun, I was right there with her, sharing my good vibes and making her feel better. Plus, I got to crash a few of her virtual meetings—everyone was more interested in waving hi to me than listening to her talk business. Can't blame ‘em, though! 

What’s your favorite people food? 

Give me those rib bones straight off the grill any day. It's like a little slice of doggy heaven. 


Come back on Friday, May 24, and see if you can match the furry faces to their Facilities faces for this week.