Black Building crane pick
Last Sunday, Facilities Engineering oversaw a high-profile crane pick, as new HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) equipment was transferred to the roof of the William Black Building.
This event brings the team closer to implementing an upgraded cooling system in the Black Building. This system will cool environmental boxes, heavy equipment rooms, and specialized laboratory equipment, and will greatly increase our capacity to serve these types of loads in the future. The two new cooling towers will work in conjunction with pumps and heat exchangers installed on the 22nd floor, as well as the new condenser water risers that have been installed in the men’s restrooms throughout Black Building. This project will be brought online in time to serve new major floor renovations on the 9th and 11th floors.
We anticipate this project to be completed spring 2018. Thank you to members of the community for your patience as we work to improve capital infrastructure throughout our buildings.