Electric Safety

October 2020 Safety Topic

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) structure fires involving electrical failure or malfunction cause deaths, injuries, and billions of dollars in property damage. Knowing what electric hazards to look for in your workplace will ensure a safe environment for all. 

Here is an electrical safety do’s and don’ts checklist to apply at CUIMC (and at home):


  •  Check wiring to make sure it is properly insulated and the right choice for the job (e.g. labeled for use with hazardous substances).
  •  Check that electrical connections are tight.
  •  Match plugs and outlets (three-pronged plugs go in three-pronged outlets only).
  •  Inspect electrical tools before each use.
  •  Wear rubber gloves and any other assigned protective clothing and equipment.
  •  Keep the work area clean, and promptly and properly dispose of oily rags, paper, or anything else that could burn.
  •  Check outlets for loose connections and corrosion. Report to Facilities (212-305-HELP) immediately if there is a problem.


  • Overload circuits or outlets.
  • Put anything but a plug into an electrical outlet.
  • Although the use of extension cords is discouraged, if an extension cord is used, it must bear the UL-approved label and be of adequate wire gauge for the intended use. No frayed or broken cords may be used. Extension cords must be unplugged at night.
  • Place electrical equipment near heat or water.
  • Retrieve electrical products that fall in water.
  • Touch anything with electric with wet hands.
  • Leave machinery or heating equipment running unattended after working hours.
  • While at work, use a power tool that smokes, sparks, smells, or shocks.

For more information or questions about time management, please speak with your supervisor or contact a member of the Campus Life Safety and Regulatory Compliance team at 212.304.5572.