Hammer Bldg: Electrical Shutdown Impacting Floors LL2-8, Feb. 10
We will be conducting a temporary electrical shutdown that will affect general lighting on floors LL2 through 8 of Hammer Health Sciences Center from 6 p.m. to approximately 10 p.m. on Friday, February 10. This shutdown will not affect emergency power, which will continue to operate throughout the building.
CUIMC Facilities Management representatives will be walking the affected floors beginning on Wednesday, February 8 to discuss the upcoming shutdown with floor occupants and address any questions or concerns. Furthermore, before the loss of power, an announcement will be made on the floors.
In preparation for the upcoming shutdown, please take the following precautionary steps before you leave on Friday, February 10:
- Save all files and important documents.
- Completely turn off all computers and laptops.
- Turn off all other electronic devices and non-essential laboratory equipment.
- Ensure that all essential equipment is connected to emergency power (red) outlets. If you are unsure if your equipment is plugged into an emergency power outlet, please contact CUIMC Facilities Management at cumc.facilities@columbia.edu, and a representative from Facilities Management will visit and assess your area.
Questions? Contact Fernando Bedoya, senior project manager, at fb2330@cumc.columbia.edu.