National Preparedness Month 2024: Start a Conversation!

An image with several emergency tool icons that says September is National Preparedness Month. Tool icons include a face mask, flashlight, first aid kit,and others.

September is National Preparedness Month! This year,'s Emergency Preparedness theme is "Start a Conversation." The first critical steps in preparing for any emergency are talking about potential situations and planning a response. While they may not be easy conversations, keeping everyone safe means understanding possibilities and communicating with one another.

What can YOU do to stay prepared in your home and with your family? From stocking up on emergency supplies to knowing where to shelter during a major storm to connecting with trusted neighbors in the event of a fire, there are many simple steps you can take to stay safe. We’ve put together a list of our favorite resources to get you started. Start your steps to preparedness by watching our video below.



As you consider how to start a conversation about how to be prepared for a crisis or emergency at home or at work, take advantage of the additional resources listed below.

If you have any preparedness questions or want to reach out to our team, email Yvonne Wojcicki at