Safety Topic: October is Fire Prevention Month
Safety Topic: October is Fire Prevention Month
October is Fire Prevention Month, a key time to focus on fire safety. At CUIMC, the safety of our staff, students, and visitors is a top priority. Here are some essential fire prevention tips:
- Cooking Safety: Never leave cooking unattended; turn off appliances after use.
- Electrical Safety: Avoid overloading outlets and report faulty wiring or equipment.
- Fire Drills: Participate in CUIMC fire drills to stay prepared.
- Fire Extinguishers: Learn the locations and use of fire extinguishers. Remember, P.A.S.S. means Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep.
- Know Your Exits: Familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits and evacuation routes.
- No Smoking: CUIMC has a strict no-smoking policy. Smoking is prohibited on all CUIMC property, both indoors and outdoors.
Please adhere to the following Emergency Procedures:
Alarm Activation: Activatethe nearest manual pull station and callPublic Safety at 212.305.7979 and 911 if you discover a fire.
Evacuation: Evacuation should always be your last resort. If it becomes necessary, follow the established emergency procedures carefully and avoid using elevators.
Stay Informed: Keep updated with CUIMC’s emergency communication channels.
Fire prevention is a shared responsibility. We can ensure a safe environment for everyone at CUIMC by staying informed and prepared. Let’s make October a month of heightened fire safety awareness.
For more information or questions about Fire Prevention, please get in touch with your supervisor or a Campus Life Safety & Regulatory Compliance team member.