Apply for On-Campus Housing

We offer on-campus singles and couples housing for full-time students studying at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Before filling out this application, take a moment to check out our on-campus residences and campus map.

  • All housing assignments and occupancy agreements are for the entire 2023-2024 academic year (or designated occupancy agreement terms issued to you). 
  • We accept housing application throughout the year and will offer a residence based on current availability. 
  • A housing application is only valid only for the year for which it was originally submitted (i.e. 2023 - 2024). Students who do not receive housing, or decide to defer admission, must submit a new housing application for future years.
  • Students who decide to cancel their on-campus housing while still under their occupancy agreement term are subject to cancellation fees. Learn more.

Introduction to the CUIMC Housing Portal


How to Apply for On-Campus Housing

How to Select Your Space

How to View Your Housing Offer