Housing Renewal FAQs
When does the housing application for the 2025-2026 academic year open?
The housing application will be available starting February 1, 2025.
I don’t need housing past May 31, 2025. Do I still need to do something?
Yes, you must submit an “Intent to Not Renew” form by March 1, 2025. This will let the housing office know you plan to vacate at the end of your current lease term.
What is the deadline to complete the housing application or Intent to Not Renew form?
The deadline to complete either the housing application or the Intent to Not Renew form is March 1, 2025.
What are the phases of the housing renewal process?
The housing renewal process has two phases:
- Phase 1: Application (February 1 – March 1): Update your personal profile, emergency contact information, complete a suitemate profile, and submit your renewal intention.
- Phase 2: Placement (March 24 – April 4): Confirm/select your placement and sign pre-agreement paperwork within your assigned date range.
What if I miss a renewal deadline or change my mind and need housing?
If you didn’t originally submit a renewal application or missed an important date to complete something, please email the Office of Housing Services right away. Our advice will depend on where we are at in the renewal process. For instance, if you email us in April needing to secure housing, we may not be able to renew you to your same room.
Can I stay in the same room for the next academic year?
Yes, you can choose to stay in the same bedroom in the same apartment/building by selecting this option during Phase 1 of the application process.
Can I request to move to a different apartment or bedroom?:
Yes, you can request to move to a different bedroom in the same apartment or to a different apartment. However, these requests are not guaranteed and depend on availability and demand. If demand exceeds availability, a lottery process will determine eligibility. If you do not pass the lottery, you will have the option to renew back to your current room. OHS will notify lottery results by March 14.
What if I want to live with someone I am not currently living with?
You can form a suitemate group with other students currently living in housing by March 1 if you want to live with someone you are not currently living with. This applies to all renewal intentions, including staying in the same bedroom and unit. Suitemate groups are not guaranteed.
What happens if I graduate during the 2025-2026 academic year?
If you graduate at any point during the 2025-2026 period, your agreement will end on the last day of the month you graduate without penalty. If you need housing past May 31, submit a housing application even if you graduate in August, September, or October 2025.
Will there be a rent increase for the 2025-2026 academic year?
Yes, rates are expected to increase by 2-6% for the 2025-2026 year, effective June 1, 2025. During Phase 2, you will sign pre-agreement paperwork as rates will not be finalized. Your formal Occupancy Agreement with the final rate will be sent in April/May.
What is the Summer GAP program for 50 Haven residents?
The Summer GAP program allows 50 Haven residents to vacate their space over the summer and return in the Fall without summer charges. Details will be emailed to 50 Haven residents.
Can I sublease my apartment or studio during the summer?
Yes, apartment and studio residents may sublease their space during the summer as long as you are not requesting a room transfer. Please check our website for subletting eligibility and rules.
Can I cancel my housing application after submitting it?
Yes, you can cancel your housing application and placement without penalty anytime before May 1, 2025, by emailing housingservices@cumc.columbia.edu. After May 1, 2025, cancellations will incur a $1,750 fee unless you graduate, withdraw, or take a leave of absence.
If I’m not renewing, can I request an extension to stay in housing past May 31, 2025?
Yes, you may request a 14-day extension via the “Move out” section on the housing portal, but extensions are not guaranteed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.