Michael Alberto
Executive Director, Faculty Club and Classroom Technology Support

Since 2009, Michael Alberto has overseen the Faculty Club, Columbia University Irving Medical Center's premier dining and catering provider. He combines more than 20 years of experience in the food and service industry with his dedication to perfecting the customer experience. With more than 5,500 events held each year, Michael has directly contributed to some of CUIMC's most memorable events, from wine and cheese receptions and lavish dinners to building openings and student orientations.
Michael previously served as the catering manager for Columbia University Event Management at the Morningside campus. He credits his experiences at Morningside for his ability to define his role as CUIMC's "chief experience officer." He received a bachelor's degree in business administration from Baruch College of the City University of New York.
Contact Information
Faculty Club Contact
646-426-2582 (6-CLUB)